![Did you KNOW I had a Polymathy Newsletter? [Solocast]](https://img.transistor.fm/TrB5vmBEy2ywyDP1dEn_9eg7UvqWDyUxV4kv4SovjtI/rs:fill:800:800:1/q:60/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWct/dXBsb2FkLXByb2R1/Y3Rpb24udHJhbnNp/c3Rvci5mbS9lNWIx/YWU2MzUxMTU4Y2Zi/NTlmMWNjNmUzODI1/ZmVmNC5wbmc.webp)
Did you KNOW I had a Polymathy Newsletter? [Solocast]
Check it out! https://polyinnovator.space/tag/newsletter/
Did you know that I have a Polymathy newsletter where I talk about different aspects of the world of polymaths and just having the life of polymaths? It's called the Journey to Polymath. While the name has changed a little bit over the years, the Journey to Polymathy being kind of the former one, I wanted to talk and create content around the topic of polymathy. So I changed the niche for Polyinnovator this year.
to be knowledge management for polymath because I was talking about polymathy and knowledge management as like two separate things when in reality it was like a DNA strand very close together. However, I still wanted to have a separate series purely for the polymathy and this is where that newsletter comes in. I'm looking at about 78 posts at this point. I actually had two tags on my website, one for kind of like polymathy and one for the newsletter and I realized I needed to just send them together.
posts that I've made. And I also wanted to talk about the future of the newsletter and the importance of it. And so this is kind of like an update of the Polyamorous Web site, just so you know too. That's what this is about. Because I had around three newsletters on this site for a long time. I had my swimming newsletter, which I have since depreciated, at least for now. And then I had the polymorphic newsletter, of course. And I had the content repurposing newsletter, or just being a content creator, which has moved now to the new website. And so now I went from having three to just one.
which overly simplifies it, which is great. That way when you go on the site and you sign up, you're only signing up for that one newsletter, which I think helps simplify the process for a lot of people who might be interested. Because if you're listening to the Polymath Polycast, I presume to some degree you're interested in this multidisciplinary life. So part of the point of this was to have the SEO aspect of Polymathy being like my main niche. I wanted to bring people in based on different topics. And so one thing I'm doing right now, actually going forward, is about one every other week or so.
I'm going to be doing a post related to a video that I found on this kind of topic. So one of the more recent ones was how to manage multiple hobbies. Considering that's a very impactful idea towards people who are polymathic and multidisciplinary, I wanted to help, you know, guide and add my own two cents based on this topic from this video that someone else had made. And that way more people could check out that cool video and creator. The next one is an open letter to multidisciplinary where I wanted to just, I wanted to people realize that like, hey,
It's okay to be multidisciplinary, here's a various amount of terms you can use to describe yourself and this is kind of like my opening statement to people. And then the other thing is like this polycast show. Right now I'm doing a solo cast but the other half of it is interviews and a lot of people think you have to be a polymath to come on the show but you don't have to. So I made a post on this newsletter talking about that where if you're polymathic and you think that you fit the bill then reach out to me and we can have you on the show. And then again managing multiple interests.
One post that I thought was really interesting because a lot of people don't talk about it, if you live long enough, you'll become a polymath because generally speaking, your hobbies become careers, your careers become hobbies, and this overall you end up having multiple disciplines over the course of your life. And there's a couple other response posts like there was a r slash polymath on Reddit where I wanted to kind of talk about like the importance of that subreddit. Another one is the Hello Generalist website, and they have a manifesto for generalists. And I wanted to talk about that.
And then I wanted to talk about being a content creator, a polymath content creator, so there's a few posts around that. Some other posts I think would be really interesting for a lot of you is time blocking for polymaths or macro focus for polymaths, micro focus from polymaths. And so there's a lot of these different posts that are SEO focused, like a life OS for polymaths, where I wanted to get people who were looking for a life OS to see that, but really in reality, this helps people in general who are in this polymathy world.
And so there's a lot of different posts. I'm only halfway through scrolling through this, looking at this, but like defining polymathy uncategorized, which is like a new way of thinking. Like we don't need to be in boxes anymore. And then part of actually what started this newsletter was this idea of leveling up to polymath, hence the journey aspect. And so I had this idea of the multidisciplinary spectrum, which I need to make a new post about actually here soon. And the idea of leveling up on that spectrum to polymathy. So I have a lot of posts talking about leveling up.
Specialist or generalist or renaissance people to polymathy. That's just how that was an interesting idea. So there's a number of posts with that kind of format and like jack-of-all-trades, for example. The other thing that I think is really interesting is two paths to becoming a polymath. One being juggling and one being serialized. And so this two pathway approach, I think that people interleave them a lot more than people realize, but there's also this matter of fact of like, hey, at some point you might actually be doing one or the other and you might need to focus on that a bit more.
I also wanted to talk about this internet renaissance, digital renaissance. So there's posts like that. There's the idea of essentially at the century of the specialist. And now we're going to be going into the century of the generalist is a future post I'm going to be making. And I have so many ideas, folks, for this show. I'm not sure what newsletter and I'm making a lot of mistakes today, but I'm just going off the cuff because the idea behind a lot of these posts I'm so excited about and so like the Da Vinci principle, think like a polymath.
There's a lot of amazing posts in this newsletter that no one's really reading enough of. And so there's actually one about Miyamoto Mushashi, who is a lone samurai, who is a very prime example of a polymath that a lot of people just didn't know about. And this is actually one of my PolyPro posts, so it is a specialized post that people can read, but the idea was talking about this really interesting person. And so most of the posts are actually going to be free, but there are a couple...
99% of the posts would be free but there are a couple paid posts. And so I wanted to give people a warning about that because if you are part of the Polypro you can read them but otherwise. I think there's only like 3 on this list that are actually paid. The rest of them are all free. And even talking about really unique characters like Avatar Aang from The Last Airbender. He is a polymath because he had to master 4 elements in a young age. That's 4 different specialties right there. And then just definitions, talking about Ada Lovelace. I'm just going through the whole list here.
and I have around 80 already made. I have around 80 ideas in my obsidian vault that I'm looking at and then I have about 25 ideas that are related to videos that I found on these topics that I wanted to reply to. So I have over a hundred future ideas for this series and I'm so excited to share them all with you. So please go check out the Journey to Polymath newsletter.
Did you know that I have a Polymathy newsletter where I talk about different aspects of the world of polymaths and just having the life of polymaths? It's called the Journey to Polymath. While the name has changed a little bit over the years, the Journey to Polymathy being kind of the former one, I wanted to talk and create content around the topic of polymathy. So I changed the niche for Polyinnovator this year.
to be knowledge management for polymath because I was talking about polymathy and knowledge management as like two separate things when in reality it was like a DNA strand very close together. However, I still wanted to have a separate series purely for the polymathy and this is where that newsletter comes in. I'm looking at about 78 posts at this point. I actually had two tags on my website, one for kind of like polymathy and one for the newsletter and I realized I needed to just send them together.
posts that I've made. And I also wanted to talk about the future of the newsletter and the importance of it. And so this is kind of like an update of the Polyamorous Web site, just so you know too. That's what this is about. Because I had around three newsletters on this site for a long time. I had my swimming newsletter, which I have since depreciated, at least for now. And then I had the polymorphic newsletter, of course. And I had the content repurposing newsletter, or just being a content creator, which has moved now to the new website. And so now I went from having three to just one.
which overly simplifies it, which is great. That way when you go on the site and you sign up, you're only signing up for that one newsletter, which I think helps simplify the process for a lot of people who might be interested. Because if you're listening to the Polymath Polycast, I presume to some degree you're interested in this multidisciplinary life. So part of the point of this was to have the SEO aspect of Polymathy being like my main niche. I wanted to bring people in based on different topics. And so one thing I'm doing right now, actually going forward, is about one every other week or so.
I'm going to be doing a post related to a video that I found on this kind of topic. So one of the more recent ones was how to manage multiple hobbies. Considering that's a very impactful idea towards people who are polymathic and multidisciplinary, I wanted to help, you know, guide and add my own two cents based on this topic from this video that someone else had made. And that way more people could check out that cool video and creator. The next one is an open letter to multidisciplinary where I wanted to just, I wanted to people realize that like, hey,
It's okay to be multidisciplinary, here's a various amount of terms you can use to describe yourself and this is kind of like my opening statement to people. And then the other thing is like this polycast show. Right now I'm doing a solo cast but the other half of it is interviews and a lot of people think you have to be a polymath to come on the show but you don't have to. So I made a post on this newsletter talking about that where if you're polymathic and you think that you fit the bill then reach out to me and we can have you on the show. And then again managing multiple interests.
One post that I thought was really interesting because a lot of people don't talk about it, if you live long enough, you'll become a polymath because generally speaking, your hobbies become careers, your careers become hobbies, and this overall you end up having multiple disciplines over the course of your life. And there's a couple other response posts like there was a r slash polymath on Reddit where I wanted to kind of talk about like the importance of that subreddit. Another one is the Hello Generalist website, and they have a manifesto for generalists. And I wanted to talk about that.
And then I wanted to talk about being a content creator, a polymath content creator, so there's a few posts around that. Some other posts I think would be really interesting for a lot of you is time blocking for polymaths or macro focus for polymaths, micro focus from polymaths. And so there's a lot of these different posts that are SEO focused, like a life OS for polymaths, where I wanted to get people who were looking for a life OS to see that, but really in reality, this helps people in general who are in this polymathy world.
And so there's a lot of different posts. I'm only halfway through scrolling through this, looking at this, but like defining polymathy uncategorized, which is like a new way of thinking. Like we don't need to be in boxes anymore. And then part of actually what started this newsletter was this idea of leveling up to polymath, hence the journey aspect. And so I had this idea of the multidisciplinary spectrum, which I need to make a new post about actually here soon. And the idea of leveling up on that spectrum to polymathy. So I have a lot of posts talking about leveling up.
Specialist or generalist or renaissance people to polymathy. That's just how that was an interesting idea. So there's a number of posts with that kind of format and like jack-of-all-trades, for example. The other thing that I think is really interesting is two paths to becoming a polymath. One being juggling and one being serialized. And so this two pathway approach, I think that people interleave them a lot more than people realize, but there's also this matter of fact of like, hey, at some point you might actually be doing one or the other and you might need to focus on that a bit more.
I also wanted to talk about this internet renaissance, digital renaissance. So there's posts like that. There's the idea of essentially at the century of the specialist. And now we're going to be going into the century of the generalist is a future post I'm going to be making. And I have so many ideas, folks, for this show. I'm not sure what newsletter and I'm making a lot of mistakes today, but I'm just going off the cuff because the idea behind a lot of these posts I'm so excited about and so like the Da Vinci principle, think like a polymath.
There's a lot of amazing posts in this newsletter that no one's really reading enough of. And so there's actually one about Miyamoto Mushashi, who is a lone samurai, who is a very prime example of a polymath that a lot of people just didn't know about. And this is actually one of my PolyPro posts, so it is a specialized post that people can read, but the idea was talking about this really interesting person. And so most of the posts are actually going to be free, but there are a couple...
99% of the posts would be free but there are a couple paid posts. And so I wanted to give people a warning about that because if you are part of the Polypro you can read them but otherwise. I think there's only like 3 on this list that are actually paid. The rest of them are all free. And even talking about really unique characters like Avatar Aang from The Last Airbender. He is a polymath because he had to master 4 elements in a young age. That's 4 different specialties right there. And then just definitions, talking about Ada Lovelace. I'm just going through the whole list here.
and I have around 80 already made. I have around 80 ideas in my obsidian vault that I'm looking at and then I have about 25 ideas that are related to videos that I found on these topics that I wanted to reply to. So I have over a hundred future ideas for this series and I'm so excited to share them all with you. So please go check out the Journey to Polymath newsletter.